Friday 6 July 2012

Creating a Blog

Creating a new blog has never been easier than this! Want to start a blog, log on to and you can have your own blog on the road in a minute(or less!).

START NOW  lest you stay stuck forever in the planning phase

I have always wanted to start a blog but never did because I used to think it was a difficult thing to do. Am not technologically savvy! Thanks to Google, I found blogger and here I am! Heard that you can even make money through your blogs. Great idea! Lot's of people, I know(and don't know), would like to explore the earning potential of blogging. 
You can make money posting your thoughts, sharing your knowledge, skill expertise, photo's, art, recipes, experiences, whatever...The possibilities are immense. Anyway, not all of life is about making money. So also with the purpose of blogging. Blogging isn't entirely about MONEY, it is about expressing yourself  in your own space online. 
As I mentioned in the start, I have always wanted to start a blog but never did because I used to think it was a difficult thing to do. Besides, I didn't quite know what I would do with it?What would I write about? I just wanted to do it! That's all I knew and taking a cue from, "Start Now lest you stay stuck forever in the planning phase". I plunged in. Wish me luck! And,
Welcome to the world of blogging! Start now, Creating a
You can always edit and update your blog as you you go along. Cheers!


  1. Some powerful thoughts......You seem to be mushrooming up some fresh energy...All the best and will visit around.Good lucks!

    1. thanks and hope you visit every now and to share the quotes with you!

  2. Nice one avissado. Hope it's a resounding success.
